AngelPirate. Encouraging creative commotions.
AngelPirate. Encouraging creative commotions. 〰️
Gabrielle Corsaro, Artistic Director. Photo by Arthur Lafrentz Bacon.
We are a fiscally-sponsored project of Fractured Atlas. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support our work, you may do so by clicking the DONATE button below. Thank you!
AngelPirate is currently working on new projects and initiatives for 2025 and beyond. Please continue to check back here and join our mailing list to stay up to date! And please follow us on Instagram @angelpirateproductions
THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for the elevated staged reading of the Are We Free Yet? project by TS Hawkins at Theatre Exile this past October. We continue to bask in the glow of your support and your standing O! Perhaps you also caught us shimmering at AZUKAFEST earlier in March.
But there’s more!
The Are We Free Yet? project is coming soon to a device near you!
As part of Philly Theatre Week, the Are We Free Yet? project elevated stage reading will be presented virtually for 24 hours on April 7th!
Tickets are Pay What You Can.
Gabrielle had the unexpected chance to share some thoughts about the newly refreshed rainbow crosswalks in the Philadelphia Gayborhood with CBS News Philadelphia reporter Howard Monroe. Watch the clip!
CBS News Philadelphia
In the fall of 2021, AngelPirate & TS Hawkins proudly announced the inaugural recipients of our new collaboration, the Magnify Microgrant!
In September 2021 Gabrielle Corsaro and TS Hawkins appeared on “James Jackson’s Coffee Talk” to chat about the Magnify Microgrant (and lots of other timely topics). Catch that on YouTube HERE.
Love & Light (& Other Lies)
Written by Gabrielle Corsaro
Directed & Performed by Gabrielle Corsaro & Maribeth Rubenstein
A compassionate calling in of some of the violent, flowery deceptions white women employ in our quest to be "allies".
Love & Light (& Other Lies) premiered at The 5th Annual Bridge PHL Theatre Festival on October 23, 2020.
Early in 2021 Gabrielle had the opportunity to chat with Tina Brock on her weekly show “Into the Absurd”. Take a look!
In March 2021, AngelPirate had the honor of participating as a co-sponsor in the Australian premier of TS Hawkins’ The Secret Life of Wonder: a prologue in G.
The Secret Life of Wonder: a prologue in G, by TS Hawkins.
Antipodes Theatre Company (ATC) continues their bimonthly Ricochet Free Reading Series in an online format, featuring plays that have yet to be seen on Australian stages. The first plays in this lineup include The Secret Life of Wonder: a prologue in G by U.S. playwright TS Hawkins. On International Women’s Day, ATC presents this lyrical homage to Ntozake Shange's for colored girls… which follows seven young girls on their journey into womanhood. This presentation is directed by Cheyenne Barboza and sponsored in part by AngelPirate Productions.
For more information, please visit The Secret Life of Wonder: a prologue in G by TS Hawkins (
THANK YOU to everyone who joined us (as participating artists or as audience members and supporters) for The 5th Annual (and totally virtual) Bridge PHL Theatre Festival!
If you missed it, you can still watch the festival on our YouTube Channel.
Thank you to everyone who came out to support LIVE, LOVE, LIBERATE: A Tapestry of Life, The Bridge PHL’s first virtual event! If you missed it, you can still catch it HERE.
Poster artwork by Tiffani Dean, featuring photos by Sharita Riggs.
White Script is a dialogue on the path from colorblind-racism to anti-racism, as two white women friends grapple with their Black friend's comment that "white liberal women do racist stuff all the time."
Kathy Harmer in White Woman Meditates on White Privilege: An All Too True Story by Gabrielle Corsaro, which premiered at the 2016 Bridge PHL Theatre Festival
A white woman’s internal dialogue of denial, awareness, self-interrogation, and growth at an anti-racism yoga bootcamp.
AngelPirate. Encouraging creative commotions.
The name AngelPirate is a conceptual mashup of Gabrielle Corsaro’s name: (Gabrielle/Gabriel = The angel of mercy) + (Corsaro/Corsair = An Italian word occasionally used for “pirate”) = AngelPirate: Undaunted efforts of disruption, towards our collective freedom, armed with humility and conviction.
Also by AngelPirate Productions / Gabrielle Corsaro:
Gabrielle writes a blog called Beyond the Pale that currently lives over at The Bridge PHL website. Check it out and let us know what you think.